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What is the Twin Buttes Metro District?


The Twin Buttes Metropolitan District Nos. 1-4 (collectively the “District”) were organized pursuant to an Order of the La Plata County District Court following an election in August of 2013 at which time a majority of the eligible electors voted in favor of the formation of the District, elected members to the initial board of directors and voted in favor of certain tax and debt authorization.


The District is divided into four districts to facilitate the integration of residential, commercial and open space uses within the Twin Buttes Community and the efficient phasing of different stages of development. District No. 1 is the managing district and will arrange, control and coordinate the financing, acquisition, construction, completion and operation of all public infrastructure and services for the Twin Buttes Development. District No. 2 contains all the residential development within Phase 1 of the Twin Buttes Development. District No. 3 is expected to contain all the residential development within Phase 2 of the Development. District No. 4 contains all the commercial development within the Twin Buttes Development.  Together District Nos. 2-4 constitute the financing districts, with District No. 1 performing as the management and control district.


Pursuant to a “Service Plan” for each district, the District has responsibility with respect to financing and constructing public water and sewer, parks and recreation, roads, road safety, landscaping and drainage improvements within, and adjacent to, its boundaries. In addition, the District is responsible for continued operation and maintenance of certain open space, landscaping and recreational amenities within or serving the District. Other improvements not maintained by the District will be the responsibility of the City of Durango, or a private entity established for such purposes.


In the case of the Twin Buttes community, the District has the authority with the financial support of the District to operate and maintain certain public amenities, to charge fees for the associated costs, and to furnish covenant enforcement and design review services within the community.